
Latest Comments in RSSPoor Ken Lewenza Senior. If he thought that the world of union politics was tough, then he is learning now that it is mere kindergarten play compared with the ugly world of real politics.Politics is all about power, getting it and keeping it fake Vacheron Constantin, and nothing else matters. Friendships mean nothing because there aren any. People words and handshakes don apply in this world. It is all one way no matter what one might think. It is all what one can do for the politician and not vice versa.The decisions that really matter to political leaders are those to do with the getting and holding of power. Other decisions may turn out well or ill. They may cost billions of pounds or hundreds of lives, but for enlisted politicians those decisions are secondary. What matters to them is: will I still be here after this? are mere fodder for our politicians, pawns to be played and sacrificed if necessary to protect the King and Queen.I probably did Senior a disservice by suggesting some time ago, and I think I was the first one who did, that he could well become the next Mayor of the City of Windsor. That made him a target of Windsor Political Establishment. They had to know what he was going to do in order that they could decide what they needed to do against him if he was foolish enough to actually run for Mayor.The usual techniques were applied as we have seen in previous mayoral elections when trying to smoke out the intentions of others.are the legitimate candidates? I talking about the other election, the most important election for Windsor: the vote for mayor.been asking people, Mayor Eddie Francis says, you have any ideas? Any names come to mind? Who out there?' (Anne Jarvis Windsor Star May 9, 2014)Will Edgar (aka Eddie) run or not for another term in order to keep everyone replica cartier Ballon Bleu, including Senior, off balance? Slamming Senior in advance since a Unionist would scare everybody away from this City and giving him a taste in advance of what he could expect if he chose to run. Playing to his ego to go for a bigger job. Throwing out names of those who might run for office against him.But in the end, Senior concerned them. After all, given his love of Windsor, he was the only one who could bring together this divided City. After all, it is the horrific divisiveness in this City that served so well the Political Establishment that created it in the first place.I believe that Lewenza Senior truly has not yet decided what he wants to do. I suspect some of it is due to the fact that he was the head of one of the largest unions in Canada and might well be tired and need a rest from the pressure that he was under for years. why should his family have to suffer in silence when his critics smear him, and try to smear him they will. Moreover, there is no certainty that he will win and does he want to end his career by going out a rejected by the Community that he has helped so much.None of that matters to the powerbrokers. They don give a damn about his feelings. What concerns them is staying in control and circling the wagons around themselves if needed. I think that what going on now.Remember this. When Edgar announced back in January that he wasn running, he suggested that both Councillors Marra and and Dilkens would run and also suggested that someone outside of Council might do so as well. Edgar usually signals his intentions and did so much more clearly in that same Jarvis column:surprise is that no one from outside council has announced they're running."I'd expected to see somebody come in that's not currently on council, registering or even starting to talk about possibly being a candidate, starting to get their name out," says Francis. "I would have expected to see that in February, March, April. That was part of the reason I announced early that I'm not running because it gave people a chance to start thinking this is may be what I want to do. (Though this isn't exactly a ringing endorsement, is it?) But will a two person race have competing visions? Maybe. But a race with at least three people, including someone who isn't on council, will almost certainly force competing visions. I have always expected that outsider was going to run for the Mayoral position, someone whom our self proclaimed political analyst could endorse. I believe that person has been picked already but it is not yet the appropriate time to reveal his/her identity. That time is however running out because unless that person has a well known personality in this City, then he/she could be in real trouble. As a good example, look at the difficulty that Rick Limoges had when he ran against Edgar so late in the campaign and he had a good reputation in the City.That is why I believe that all the machinations going out now are still designed to try to determine whether Senior is going to run and not. If he is, then I suspect that Edgar choice might not run and who knows, Edgar might be forced to do so to protect this City from all those people who might be trying to destroy the legacy that Edgar built.It seems as if Edgar had made a decision in the fall not to run again. Let go through some of the incidents that have taken place and try and put them into a context for what is going on today in the mayoral race:1. Edgar announced months ahead of when he should have that he was not going to run. That always seemed strange to me because it made him so early on. Except I believe it was calculated to try to draw out candidates early on as to who was going to run for Mayor to permit campaigns to be created to ensure their defeat so that the right person could be by Edgar.2. Unbelievably, Bill Marra dropped out of running for Mayor for the 3rd time although he gave many indications to people that he was going to run, even a few short weeks before he revealed his decision. I heard that some polling that was taken put him strongly in the lead over Councillor Dilkens who was badly trailing as far as support went. Again, my speculation is that a deal was made involving Edgar and probably Dwight Duncan and/or Sandra Pupatello to ensure that Bill would never become Mayor of Windsor3. [FR]Eddie Francis announced that he was going to run for Councillor in Ward 1, Drew Dilkens Ward. Obviously, he was going to be the Mayor connection to Council. [FR]Eddie own Plans for his platform sure sounds to me like the Edgar Platform 2.0. Again, that seemed to undercut Edgar loyal supporter who I thought always was going to run for Council. Now that option was eliminated and Dilkens would have to run for Mayor or nothing.4. Was this nothing more than an attempt to end the dithering of Dilkens and to make him at least pretend to run for Mayor? Probably because I had always heard the rumour that Senior would run if Dilkens did.5. Dilkens filed his nomination papers Iwas told late last Friday afternoon. It was filed before a long weekend when people would not be preoccupied with politics but enjoying a holiday weekend and not in the presence of the media. Interestingly, the media still did not report it until the Star finally announced today that Dilkens was going to run and gave a lame excuse for not writing the story before. My belief is that it was never supposed to be revealed at this time but for the Blogmeister doing so and ruining everyone plans. After all, on the same day, a new domain name was registered My belief is that a close of Senior who also happens to be a politico was then going to tellSenior that Dilkens was running to get his reaction and to see if Senior really was going to run.6. And then the sheer genius of what the Plan was. Hey Ken, no need for you to run. John Millson is thinking about doing so. He is a credible guy Sandra Pupatello will support him and is endorsing him already (even though it is clearly inappropriate as far as I concerned given her position as the Head of the Undevelopment Commission). And you remember how close Sandra and Senior were. They were good friends. Clearly, if Millson was good enough for Sandra, then he ought to be good enough for Senior and there is no need for him to run at all.Ah dear reader, I bet that you are really impressed with all that maneuvering. However, you ain seen nothing yet.Here is what gave it all away to me and why John Millson is just another stalking horse to see if Senior can be convinced not to do anything, especially not to run. Didn you find what he said bizarre because I sure did. And by the way, look who broke the story, not the Star City Hall reporter so that makes it legit, right:

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